Friday 9 July 2010

What It's All About:

'Who in this world knows anything of any other heart - or of his own?' - Ford Madox Ford, The Good Soldier

Good Morning!
I was having a conversation with a friend yesterday about how well you can know a person, and it got me thinking. I always worry about losing touch, even though that is sometimes for the best, and I have a fear of forgetting people. This seems strange, as we can never truly know the majority of our acquaintances since we only see them within a specific context. So, I have decided to do an ongoing illustration and text based project, considering a different person I have known every day. Some of these people I am still close to, and some I have completely lost track of, but they have all been important figures in my life at some stage. At the moment I am planning to do this for nineteen days - so there will be a person representing every year of my life - but I'll see how I go. I'll post my progress every couple of days (this is mainly to ensure that I actually stick to my plan).
That's all for now, over and out.

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